Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don’t Cheat Yourself From The Rewards Of Tithing

I have a confession to make.
When I was a kid, I didn’t like taking a bath.
It was my unique solution to the water shortage of the world. I felt that taking a bath was totally unnecessary—a vanity that modern people invented.
When I studied history, my hunch was confirmed.
For example, the monks of the middle ages felt it was vain to take a bath. St. Francis of Assisi believed that to be dirty was a sign of a holy person. Even St. Benedict recommended that those who are young and strong should seldom take a bath. It was said that St. Catherine of Siena avoided washing. And St. Agnes, who died at the age of 13, had never taken a bath.
Queen Isabella of Spain was proud to say that she only took two baths in her whole lifetime. 
And Queen Elizabeth of England was seen as a very vain woman during her time. Why? Because she bathed once a month.
       I argued that I was even more vain. I was willing to take a bath once a week.
But Mom told me, “Take a bath everyday or else!”
       So I had to take a bath. 
“Mom is so cruel,” I told myself. “Here I am, enjoying my favorite cartoon, and just when the 5 spaceships are about to “volt-in” and morph into a giant robot and slice the enemy with his saber sword—she calls me to take a bath!”
In the Sanchez household, it was a law that I take a bath—or else. The consequences of violating that Law were deadly: My five angry sisters will chase after me with a pail of water, soap, and panghilod. (I have no idea how to translate that word. It’s actually a rock that Filipinos use to remove their, uh, libag. Gee, this is getting more complex.)
From Law To Love
Thanks be to God, I outgrew that stage of my life.
In a blink of an eye, it just happened. All of a sudden, I loved taking a bath everyday.  
Why did I change?  
Because I had a crush on a pretty classmate named Mercedes, who had bewitching dimples and smelled of chocnut.
Taking a bath was no longer a Law for me. 
It was a Love.
       Of course, no matter what I did, Ms. Chocnut never looked twice at me. Because I was still ugly during those days. (Indeed, your past does not define your future.)
       Still, her dimples gave me a lovely reason to shower daily.
       Let me now bring you to my main message…
Tithing Was An Old Testament Law
       I’m a Catholic. (I love our Church—warts, sins, and blemishes. It makes me more convinced of God’s mercy.) 
In all the years as a Catholic, I’ve yet to hear a clear teaching on Tithing. Here’s why: Because Catholic Theology says we’re not bound by the Old Testament Law of Tithing, but by the New Testament Law of Generosity.
       I agree. But we’ve failed in generosity too!
       Catholics are known as having the noisiest offerings in the world. “Klang, kleng, kling, klong, klung…” Because everyone gives coins.
       One man said, “Catholics aren’t Tithers, they’re Tippers.”
Many Catholics don’t even know what Tithing is.
Thus, we’re missing out on the many blessings of Tithing. 
A Failure In Teaching
Here’s my personal opinion on this matter: I agree in our Catholic Theology that Tithing is no longer a Law. But from a “Execution” viewpoint, we’ve failed miserably in teaching generosity.
I’m a communicator. I’ve been one for 30+ years. And here’s a rule in communication: Always be specific, never vague. I’ve learned that whenever I teach people something vague, they’ll have a hard time doing it.
Yes, we’ve been teaching Catholics to be generous. But what does “generous” mean? The options are endless. And the more options you give, the more confused people are. And the more confused people are, the more inaction there’ll be.
What does generous mean?
Does generosity mean that Catholics pull out (at least) a paper bill? A friend told me that before he joined the Feast (our weekly prayer meeting on steroids), he felt very proud he gave P20 every Sunday, even if he was earning P100,000 a month.
Does generosity mean that Catholics give until it hurts? Until there’s pain? Well I know of a millionaire who felt pain when he couldn’t find P20 in his wallet, he was “forced” to give P50.
Here’s my point: Even if Tithing isn’t a Law anymore, we need to teach Tithing as a Love. Laws are about fear. Loves are about desire. Because it will bless their lives abundantly!
Instead of giving good but vague instructions like…
“Give whatever you can give cheerfully”
“Give as the Holy Spirit inspires you to…”
“Give what your heart dictates…”
Why not just teach: “Give 10% or more of your income.”
I’m worried. Catholics aren’t receiving the blessings of Tithing because we don’t teach it.
My Personal Experience
Here’s my main point: I see Tithing as the most practical way of teaching generosity to people.
I’ve been Tithing for the past 30+ years of my life. 
I started when I was 12. Why? My prayer group leader taught me how to tithe. So as a 12-year old kid, I tithed 10% of my daily allowance to God.
And I’ve never stopped Tithing ever since.
I tithe not because it’s a Law.
I tithe because it’s a Love.
I love to tithe! It gives me so much joy.
I can’t live without Tithing.
Because I see Tithing blessed my life in a profound way.
Don’t Curse Yourself
The most popular passage in the Bible about Tithing is found in Malachi 3:8ff. Yes, it’s the Old Testament Law of Tithing. But you can pick up powerful universal principles that you can apply today.
I ask you, is it right for a person to cheat God? Of course not, yet you are cheating me. ‘How?’ you ask. In the matter of tithes and offerings. A curse is on all of you because the whole nation is cheating me.
This verse says that when you don’t tithe, you’re cheating God.  Tell me: Can you really cheat from God?
Not really. His CCTV cameras and anti-burglary alarms are much better than ours, believe me.
Here’s a universal truth: When you don’t give, you’re really cheating yourself. You’re cheating yourself from the rich blessings that you were supposed to receive because of giving. 
And believe me, God doesn’t curse us when we don’t give. (This was archaic Bible language.) Here’s the truth: When we don’t give, we curse ourselves. We curse ourselves with the curse of missed blessings.
Let me share with you the 5 incredible blessings of Tithing…
The 5 Blessings Of Tithing
·        Habit
·        Happiness
·        Holiness
·        Hunger
·        Harvest
1. Habit
Here’s a difference between giving and tithing.
Giving may be something that you do occasionally.
But Tithing is something that you do regularly.
Because Tithing means that every time you earn money, you give 10% or more to the Lord.
Let me ask you a big question: Do you want your rewards to come occasionally or regularly? 
You decide.
2. Happiness
Here’s a little exercise.
Name the 5 happiest people you know in your life.
Imagine their faces. Finished?
Here’s my bet: All of them are Givers.
Because Givers are happy people.
It really feels good to give!
When you tithe, you feel that happiness regularly because you give regularly. As the Bible said in Malachi above, Then the people of all nations will call you happy…
Greed will destroy you by materialism.
But generosity will detach you from materialism.
By Tithing, you gain freedom. 
By Tithing, you gain a greater love for God.
The greek word of “Holy” is “Hagios”; which literally means “setting apart yourself for God”. Tithing is exactly that—setting apart a specific amount for God.
When I was a small boy, my father used an ancient, large, silver spoon. No one else could use that spoon.   It was Hagios for him and him alone.
It was so large, it could only fit in Dad’s mouth. More important, it was made of silver. Everyone else used cheap stainless steel spoons. But not Dad. He deserved the best.
Tithing is exactly like that.
Our Tithes are sacred. Our Tithes are Hagios. They’re set apart for God. No one can touch it. And we always offer the best for the Lord.
How can hunger be a blessing?
Believe me, a person without hunger is a miserable person who lives a meaningless life.
Yes, hunger is a great blessing!
When you tithe, you stir up your hunger within you. 
Last week, someone asked me, “Bo, you’re a entrepreneur and a missionary. If you were only an entrepreneur, you’d probably be ten times richer!”
The answer is a resounding No! If I wasn’t a missionary, I’d be ten times poorer. Because if I wasn’t a missionary, I wouldn’t have had the great hunger I have today. 
Here’s my guess: After the initial success of my businesses, I would have remained complacent. I’d tell myself, “Why earn more? Why work harder?” There was no purpose.
But because my goal was to raise money for my ministry, this hunger drove me to earn more.
I’m truly rich now because I tithe—and give more than my tithe.
And I have so many dreams for God’s work. These dreams fuel my hunger.
I’ve met people who have earned a lot of money and have lost their passion for life. Because they have lost their hunger. Their dreams have been fulfilled and they have no new dreams.
But that’s because they only think of themselves.
       Two weeks ago, I told my audience, “I’ve got bad news, good news, and bad news. Bad news: My accountant says it’ll take lots of money to make our dream of building 1000 Feasts come true. Good news: We now have all the money we need to build 1000 Feasts. Praise God! And finally, here’s the Bad news: All that money is still in your pockets.”
       I believe that if Catholics start tithing, we’ll have all the money to do God’s work.
Some people tell me, “I’m a bit hard up now. When my income increases, that’s when I’ll tithe.” 
This is scarcity thinking. And a person with a scarcity mindset cannot tithe.
Tithing is like planting seeds. You don’t wait for good times before you plant seeds. You sow in times of famine. Because that’s the only way to break the cycle of poverty.
Tithing is a declaration of abundance. You believe that God’s blessings will flow back to you.
Malachi said…
Put me to the test and you will see that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you in abundance all kinds of good things.
       Let me now answer two of the most common questions I receive.
1. “Where Do I Bring My Tithe?”
       A lot of people ask me, “Bo, I help my poor relatives. Can I consider that Tithing?”
Let me speak as a Catholic here. Since Tithing for us isn’t a Law but a Love, there really are no black and white rules on this matter. 
          But let me give you a guideline. Malachi says to bring your tithes to the Temple”. That means your first priority is to support the spiritual family that nourishes you in your spiritual growth. Support God’s work of sharing His love to the world.        
          I cannot impose my practice on you, but this is what I do: I give my Tithes to God’s work and I give my Alms to the poor. I set aside a separate amount for my charity work. I’m able to do that because of the way God has prospered me.
       I repeat: There are no black and white rules. At the end of the day, you have to decide where to give your Tithes.
       My 3 house helpers, like most house helpers, send a huge percentage of their salaries back home. But despite this, I still urged them to tithe to God’s work.
       Giving to poor relatives was a wonderful thing and I encouraged them to keep on doing that. But when they also gave to God’s work—that stretched their minds. A shift happened within them. They began to discard scarcity and take on abundance.
2. “Should I Give a Tithe Based On Net Or Gross?”
       Everywhere I go, people ask me this question.
And it’s a very valid question. 
If Bill earns P50,000 a month, and his tax is 30%–he actually takes home only P35,000. If a Tithe is 10%, should Bill give to God P5,000 or P3,500?
I answer in this way: How do you want to be blessed? Do you want your blessings to be based on the Net or on the Gross?
Again, since Tithing isn’t a Law but a Love, this is really up to you. 
And this question becomes a non-issue when you challenge yourself to increase your tithes as God prospers you.
Rick Warren, author of Purpose-Driven Life, gave a reverse tithe. Because of his big royalties from his bestselling books, he’s now able to give 90% of his income and keeps only 10%.
The Last Reward
Let me end with two stories.
My first is about a man who died and went to Heaven. 
He was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter who said, “Welcome!” And the Saint led the man down the golden streets.  As they walked along, he saw huge sprawling mansions one after another. Until they came to the end of the street where they stopped in front of a very small nipa hut. “This is your house,” said St. Peter.
The man was disappointed. He asked St. Peter, “Why am I getting a nipa hut?”
St. Peter replied, “I did the best with the money you sent us.”
The point?
Whatever you give is an eternal investment.
The only way to keep your wealth is by giving it away.
       Give it away and you’ll see it again in the Kingdom of Heaven.
My Personal Experience
My last story is about my experience with Tithing.
Once upon a time, I was poor. 
Twenty years ago, I was so poor, there were days when I didn’t have enough money for a haircut. There were days when I didn’t have money to eat in a fastfood. There were days when I didn’t even have enough money to ride the bus to preach in a prayer meeting.
Yet through my poverty, I kept Tithing whatever I received.
Today, God has blessed me with small businesses. After many failures, I’m now a successful entrepreneur.
Last month, I donated P1 million to the ministry. (I don’t like sharing that to you because I know I lose brownie points in Heaven. I share it not to brag. I share it to stress a very important point.) 
That was a dream come true for me. For years, I dreamt of writing a check of one million.
Last month, it happened.
I believe in Tithing. It works.
If you don’t believe me, just try.
In other words, experiment, and see what happens.
God says, Put me to the test and you will see that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you in abundance all kinds of good things…
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bahaya pemanis buatan

Sekedar info aja nih, buat yang suka diet coke, permen yang sugar free, produk pemanis pengganti gula tebu yang katanya low calories, please pay attention to the ingredients .... Jangan sampai terpengaruh dengan iklan ...
Saat aku berbicara dengan seorang dokter dan teman ku dari singapore, aku mendapat banyak info dari mereka mengenai hal ini ... dan mereka meminta aku untuk googling beberapa nama yang terkandung di salah satu permen sugar free, dan hasilnya ... wow !! aku kaget karena ternyata beberapa ingredienst itu sangat berbahaya ... Thanks to them :)

 Berikut ini beberapa info. mudah-mudahan bermanfaat :)

*Siklamat adalah pemanis buatan yang masih populer di Indonesia. Pemanis buatan ini merupakan garam natrium dari asam siklamat.

siklamat menimbulkan rasa manis tanpa rasa ikutan (tidak ada after taste-nya). Sifat siklamat sangat mudah larut dalam air dan mempunyai tingkat kemanisan 30 kali gula. Dalam perdagangan dikenal sebagai Assugrin, Sucaryl, dan Sucrosa.

*Sedangkan sakarin merupakan garam natrium dari asam sakarin. Pemanis buatan ini mempunyai tingkat kemanisan 200-700 kali gula. Dalam perdagangan dikenal dengan nama Gucide, Glucid, Garantose, Saccharimol, Saccharol, dan Sykosa. Harga sakarin paling murah dibanding dengan pemanis buatan lainnya. Karena itu, sakarin banyak digunakan pedagang kecil.

Pemanis buatan banyak menimbulkan bahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. Siklamat dan sakarin dapat menyebabkan kanker kandung kemih dan migrain. Siklamat memunculkan banyak gangguan bagi kesehatan, di antaranya tremor, migrain dan sakit kepala, kehilangan daya ingat, bingung, insomnia, iritasi, asma, hipertensi, diare, sakit perut, alergi, impotensi dan gangguan seksual, kebotakan, dan kanker otak.

*Sorbitol, suatu poliol (alkohol gula), bahan pemanis yang ditemukan dalam berbagai produk makanan. Rumus kimiawi C6H14O6, struktur molekulnya mirip dengan glukosa, hanya gugus aldehide pada glukosa diganti menjadi gugus alkohol. Kemanisan sorbitol sekitar 60% dari kemanisan sukrosa (gula tebu) dengan ukuran kalori sekitar sepertiganya. Rasanya lembut di mulut dengan rasa manis .
orbitol dapat mengakibatkan nyeri pada perut, dan diare. Sorbitol juga dapat memperburuk Sindrom usus
Bahkan karena tidak diet sorbitol, sel memproduksi sorbitol alami.Bila terlalu banyak sorbitol dihasilkan di dalam sel, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan.

*Aspartame adalah nama pemanis buatan yang sangat dikenal di kalangan orang-orang yang sering menggunakan pemanis yang rendah kalori. Selain pada pemanis tersebut, aspartame juga sering ditemukan di minuman-minuman ringan, permen karet bebas gula, dan ada pula yang terdapat pada multivitamin. Aspartame sering digunakan karena tingkat kemanisannya yang tinggi, tetapi rendah kalori dan aman untuk orang-orang penderita diabetes. Tapi seperti zat-zat kimia lainnya, aspartame tetap memiliki efek sampingnya.

Aspartame mempunyai banyak efek samping yang dapat menumbulkan reaksi yang serius, bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian. efek samping yang mungkin bisa dibilang sangat berbahaya hanya akan timbul jika terlalu banyak mengonsumsi aspartame dan ada kelainan pada tubuh yang mempengaruhi antibodi.

efek samping yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh aspartame, seperti : gangguan penglihatan, gangguan pendengaran, masalah jantung, mual-mual, kebal, pegal-pegal, bertambahnya berat badan, bintik-bintik pada kulit, kelelelahan, insomnia, sulit bernapas, bicara tidak jelas, rasa nyeri ketika menelan makanan, diare, sulit tidur, dan gangguan indera perasa. Selain itu, aspartame juga dapat menyebabkan masalah psikologis seperti depresi, gelisah, perubahan tingkah laku, phobia, dan berkurangnya daya ingat. Penyakit kronis yang dapat disebabkan oleh penggunaan aspartame yang berlebihan antara lain : tumor pada otak, multiple sklerosis, epilepsi, sindrom kelelahan kronis, parkinson, lupus, alzheimer, cacat mental, limfoma, kelainan pada kelahiran anak, dan bahkan diabetes, yang merupakan penyakit yang ingin dihindari oleh orang-orang yang banyak mengonsumsi makanan atau minuman yang mengandung aspartame.

Jakarta,  23 Februari 2011
rosita lim

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quotes from Spiderman 3

Peter Parker: Flint Marko. The man who killed Uncle Ben, he was killed last night.
Aunt May: Oh, my. What happened?
Peter Parker: Spider-Man killed him.
Aunt May: Spider-Man? I don't understand, Spider-Man doesn't kill people. What happened?
Peter Parker: I, uh... He... he was... I thought that - That you'd feel... He deserved it, didn't he?
Aunt May: I don't think it's for us to say whether a person deserves to live or die.
Peter Parker: But, Aunt May, he killed Uncle Ben.
Aunt May: Uncle Ben meant the world to us. But he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts. It's like a poison. It can - It can take you over. Before you know it, turn us into something ugly.

Aunt May: How's Mary Jane?
Peter Parker: I don't know.
Aunt May: I never heard from you. Did you ever propose?
Peter Parker: You said a husband's gotta put his wife before himself.
[puts the ring in her hand]
Peter Parker: I'm not ready.
Aunt May: But what happened? You seemed so sure.
Peter Parker: Yeah. I, uh... I hurt her, Aunt May. I don't know what to do.
Aunt May: Well, you start by doing the hardest thing: You forgive yourself. I believe in you, Peter. You're a good person. And I know you'll find a way to put it right.
[places the ring on the TV]
Aunt May: In time.

Gwen Stacy: I mean who gets kissed by Spider-Man, right?
Mary Jane Watson: I can't imagine.

Spider-Man: It's time to pay, Marko!

Flint Marko: [grabs Venom in mid-swing, thinking he's Spider-Man] End of the line, Spider-Man.
Venom: [roars in his face]
Flint Marko: [seeing it's not Spider-Man, tosses him aside]
Venom: I want him dead too, Flint. That's why I've been looking for you. Oh, yeah, I know all about you. Like the fact that Spider-Man won't let you help your poor daughter. It's just - That doesn't seem right to me. Look, I want to kill the spider, you wanna kill the spider. Together, he doesn't stand a chance. Interested?
Flint Marko: Yeah.

Peter Parker: Hey, Mr. Ditkovitch.
Mr. Ditkovitch: An orange?
Peter Parker: No, thanks. Listen, I'm really sorry for what happened earlier. I shouldn't have yelled about that door. It was nothing to be angry about.
Mr. Ditkovitch: Ah, it's no big deal. But if you feel that bad about it, you can buy me pizza some time. Today's good.
Peter Parker: Okay.
Mr. Ditkovitch: Problem with the phone?
Peter Parker: No, no. I was just - Well, I was trying to figure out what to say.
Mr. Ditkovitch: If it's a woman you're calling, then you say: "You're good woman. I'm good man..."
Peter Parker: [confused stare]
Mr. Ditkovitch: Hm?
Ursula: Hi, Pete.
Peter Parker: Hi.
Mr. Ditkovitch: He's calling a woman.
Ursula: Are you calling Mary Jane? I think that would be so good...
Mr. Ditkovitch: This is none of your business. Go. Go.
[to Peter]
Mr. Ditkovitch: Call.

Mary Jane Watson: Do you want to push me away?
Peter Parker: Push you away? Why would I want to push you away... I love you!

Miss Brant: [beeps on speaker phone, shaking desk] Your blood pressure, Mr. Jameson. Your wife told me to tell you to watch the anger.
J. Jonah Jameson: YOU TELL MY WIFE...
[calms down]
J. Jonah Jameson: [speaks into phone] Thank you.
[turns to Hoffman]
J. Jonah Jameson: Continue.
Miss Brant: [buzzes phone and shakes desk again] Time to take your pill.
Miss Brant: [buzz] Not that one.
Miss Brant: [buzz] Not that one.
J. Jonah Jameson: [points to jar of pills]
Miss Brant: [nods and buzzes phone] Drink plenty of water.
J. Jonah Jameson: [sigh] Thank you.

Spider-Man: You came.
New Goblin: Looks like just in the nick of time.
Spider-Man: A couple of minutes ago wouldn't have been so bad either.
New Goblin: [Smiles] What are you gonna do?

Flint Marko: [looks down at the crowd below] I didn't want this. But I had no choice...
Peter Parker: We always have a choice. You had a choice when you killed my uncle.
Flint Marko: My daughter was dying, I needed money.
[flashback: Flint knocks on the car window with a gun]
Flint Marko: I was scared. I told your uncle all I wanted was the car. He said to me "Why don't you just put down the gun and go home?" I realise now he was just trying to help me.
[Uncle Ben tells Flint to put down the gun and go home, just when Flint's partner exits a nearby building with the money]
Flint Marko: Then I saw my partner running over with the cash... and the gun was in my hand...
[he shakes Flint's arm - causing him to shoot Uncle Ben. Flint realizes this]
Flint Marko: I did a terrible thing to you, I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back.
[Flint's partner drives off with the car, but Flint stays by Uncle Ben's side]
Flint Marko: [to Peter] I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to understand.
Peter Parker: I've done terrible things too.
Flint Marko: I didn't choose to be this. The only thing left of me now... is my daughter.
Peter Parker: [after a pause] I forgive you.

New Goblin: If you wanna see Peter alive again, you're gonna do something for me.

Mary Jane Watson: [Peter jumps up to save Mary Jane] Peter. They're gonna kill us both.
Spider-Man: I'm gonna get you out of this.

[first lines]
Peter Parker: [Narrating] It's me! Peter Parker! Your friendly neighborhood... You know. I've come a long way from becoming the boy who was bitten by a spider. Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me, and now...
Kid in Times Square: [pointing at a giant screen in Times Square] Hey look, it's Spider-Man!
Peter Parker: [Narrating] People really like me.

Peter Parker: We can find a way to settle this.
Eddie Brock: You're so right. I'm thinking... humiliation. Kind of like how you humiliated me. Do you remember? Do you remember what you did to me? You made me lose my girl. Now I'm gonna make you lose yours. How's that sound, tiger?

Eddie Brock: Hey. I'm the new guy.
Spider-Man: New guy?
Eddie Brock: From now on, I am gonna be taking shots of you for the Bugle. So smile. Are you smiling? Just kidding.
Spider-Man: They got a guy.
Eddie Brock: Who, Parker? Um, yeah, look, just between you and me, guys kind of an amateur. Have you noticed his stuff makes you a little bloated? Just - Yeah, a little chunky.
Spider-Man: Okay.
Eddie Brock: But you don't have to worry about that, buddy.

Miss Brant: Your shots are so good.
Peter Parker: I'd love to shoot you sometime.
Miss Brant: Peter Parker... oh, Peter...
J. Jonah Jameson: Brant, that's not the post I hired you for!

Peter Parker: Harry! I need your help. I can't take them both, not by myself.
Harry Osborn: [turns to reveal scars] You don't deserve my help.
Peter Parker: Harry... she needs us.
Harry Osborn: Get out.

Peter Parker: [coming down to Harry's side along with Mary Jane] Hey, pal. How you doing?
Harry Osborn: [sarcastically] Been better.
Peter Parker: We'll get you through this.
Harry Osborn: [shakes his head slowly] No.
Peter Parker: I never should have hurt you... said those things.
Harry Osborn: None of that matters, Peter. You're my friend.
Peter Parker: Best friend.

Mary Jane Watson: Who are you?
Peter Parker: I don't know...

Norman Osborn: You've taken your eye off the ball...

Joseph 'Robbie' Robertson: [examining photos] Black-suit Spider-Man! We gotta have these, Jonah.
J. Jonah Jameson: I'll pay you the usual rate.
Peter Parker: You want the photos, I'll take the staff job. Double the money.

Peter Parker: Eddie, the suit you've got to take it off.
Eddie Brock: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
Peter Parker: I know what it feels like. It feels good. The power. Everything. But you'll lose yourself. It'll destroy you. Let it go.
Venom: I like being bad. It makes me happy.

Eddie Brock: Betty, Betty, bo-Betty, banana-fana, fo-Fetty!
Miss Brant: He's busy.
Eddie Brock: Aw, I'm just here to talk to you, beautiful!
Miss Brant: What's that smell?
Eddie Brock: Just a little something called 'Nice And Easy', what's on you?
Miss Brant: It's called 'Go Away'!

J. Jonah Jameson: [referring to Eddie and Peter] You want a staff job, and you want a staff job, anybody care about what I want?
Hoffman: [opens Jameson's office door and quickly answers] I do.
J. Jonah Jameson: [calmly] Shut up. Get out.

Maître d': [in French Accent] Name, please?
Peter Parker: Parker, Peter
Maître d': [looks through reservation book] Ahh, there we are... table for two, Pecker...
Peter Parker: Parker...
Maître d': [in French accent] That is what I said, Pecker!

Harry Osborn: Hey Bernard? Do I have any girlfriends?
Bernard: Not that I know of, sir.

J. Jonah Jameson: Parker? Parker, where - ? I need a photographer.
[looks at the girl with the camera]
J. Jonah Jameson: Hey, kid, you want a job?
Girl with Camera: Why would I wanna job? I'm just a kid.
J. Jonah Jameson: All right, how much for the camera?
Girl with Camera: One hundred bucks.
J. Jonah Jameson: A hundred bucks?
[looks up again]
J. Jonah Jameson: All right, you little crook. Here.
[gives the money to the girl and gets the camera]
J. Jonah Jameson: [tries to shoot, but the camera's empty] What the - ?
[looks at the girl]
Girl with Camera: Film's extra.

New Goblin: If you want Peter to live, you're going to do something for me.

Harry Osborn: You gonna kill me like you killed me father?
Peter Parker: I'm done trying to convince you.
Harry Osborn: You took him from me. He loved me.
Peter Parker: No. He despised you. You were an embarrassment to him.
Peter Parker: Look at little Goblin Junior. Gonna cry?

J. Jonah Jameson: [Catching Betty Brant and Peter Parker about to kiss] Parker! Miss Brant! That's not the position I hired you for!

Peter Parker: Stings doesn't it?
Harry Osborn: I protected you in high school. Now I'm gonna kick your little ass.
Peter Parker: Ooh.

Peter Parker: [to Eddie Brock] You want forgiveness? Get Religion.

Aunt May: A man needs to put his wife before himself. Can you do that, Peter?

Eddie Brock: It's Brock sir, Edward Brock Jr. I'm here humbled and humiliated to ask you for one thing... I want you to kill Peter Parker

[repeated line]
Eddie Brock: It's Brock, sir. Edward Brock, Jr.

Spider-Man: [both at top speed on the New Goblin's Sky Stick] This thing got any more?
New Goblin: Hang on!
Spider-Man: To what?

Peter Parker: Now dig on this.

Eddie Brock: Oh! My Spider-Sense is tingling!
[pulls Mary Jane Closer to Himself and Points to Her]
Eddie Brock: ...If you know what I'm talking about!

Mary Jane Watson: That was OUR kiss!

Harry Osborn: [after topping his drink with an olive, Harry realizes that Peter is standing behind him] Would you like a drink? I'm sorry. What was I thinking? Bad for the public image, right, Mr. Key-to-the-City?
Peter Parker: [referring to Mary Jane] What did you do to her?
Harry Osborn: [Harry takes a sip of his drink] II did what you failed to do. I was there for her. Mary Jane and I, we understand each other.
Peter Parker: She doesn't know what you are.
Peter Parker: Peter, she knows me very well. And when she kissed me, it was just like she used to kiss me. That taste... Strawberries.

Harry Osborn: [dodging giant Sandman] Hey, Pete! Am I interrupting?

Man in Times Square: You know, I guess one person really can make a difference...
[pats Peter Parker on shoulder]
Man in Times Square: 'Nuff said!

Crowd: [cheering] Kiss him! Kiss him!
Peter Parker: Go ahead. Lay one on me.
Gwen Stacy: Really?
Peter Parker: Yeah. They'll love it.
Boy at Keys to the City Ceremony: [covering eyes] Don't do it, Spidey.
[Gwen pulls a part of Spider-Man's mask down; they kiss]
Boy at Keys to the City Ceremony: Ew.

Venom: Never wound what you can't kill.

Peter Parker: [eating a cookie while on the phone] Mmm, these are good. You got any with nuts?
Ursula: No, but I have some nuts, I could... make some...
Peter Parker: Go make me some.

Peter Parker: [takes off his mask, has sand all over his face after just fighting the Sandman] Where do these guys COME from?
[takes off a boot, tips it upside down, sand continously pours out]

Dr. Curt Connors: ...Don't let any of that get on you.
Peter Parker: Why?
Dr. Curt Connors: It has the characteristics of a symbiote, which needs to bond to a host in order to survive. And once it binds... it can be hard to UNbind.

Mary Jane Watson: Tell me you love me?
Peter Parker: I love you... I love you so much. I always have.

Mary Jane Watson: Let me ask you something. When you kissed her, who was kissing her? Spider-man, or Peter?

Aunt May: You must be ready to put her before yourself. Are you ready to do that Peter?

Mary Jane Watson: You know what? I'd like to sing on stage for the rest of my life... with you in the first row.
Peter Parker: I'll be there.

Maître d': I love romance. I am French.

Houseman: [to Harry, upon his refusal to aid Peter] If I may, Sir, I've seen things in this house I've never spoke of... The night your father died, I... I cleaned his wound... the blade that pierced his body came from HIS Glider. I... I know you're trying to defend your fathers' honor, but there is no question that he died by his own hand. I loved your father, as I've loved you, Harry... as your friends love you...

Peter Parker: It's me, Peter Parker. Your friendly neighborhood - you know. I've come a long way since I was the boy bit by a spider. Back then nothing seemed to go right for me. Now people really like me. The city is safe and sound. Guess I had a little something to do with that. My uncle Ben would be proud. I still go to school. Top of my class. And I'm in love. With the girl of my dreams.

J. Jonah Jameson: Well, we do have an opening. Johnson quit, remember?
Joseph 'Robbie' Robertson: You fired him.
J. Jonah Jameson: Whatever.

Peter Parker: [planning how he's going to propose] So, you want some champagne? How'd that get in there? Oh, don't cry.

Peter Parker: I never should have hurt you. And said those things.
Harry Osborn: None of that matters, Peter. You're my friend.
Peter Parker: Best friend.

Harry Osborn: It's a funny feeling, not knowing who you are. I get a bump on the head and I'm free as a bird.
Mary Jane Watson: Can you bump me on the head?
Harry Osborn: [taps MJ on the head] Bop!
Mary Jane Watson: [reacts to tap by throwing head back and laughing]

Spider-Man: [back-to-back with the New Goblin facing Venom] I could use some help over here!
New Goblin: [facing the giant Sandman] I'm a little busy right now!

Captain Stacy: What's she doing up there?
Eddie Brock: I don't know I just saw her last night she said that she had a modeling gig.
Captain Stacy: Who are you?
Eddie Brock: It's Brock sir, Edward Brock Jr. and I work at the Daily Bugle... and I'm dating your daughter

Flint Marko: I don't want to hurt you. Leave now.
Spider-Man: [chuckles] I guess you haven't heard. I'm the sheriff around these parts!

Eddie Brock: [Spider-Man pulls himself up on to the car] Hey, Parker.

Peter Parker: This suit, where'd this come from? The power, feels good... But you lose yourself to it...

[watching Spider-Man getting hammered by the giant Sandman]
Jennifer Dugan: It's hard to believe what's happening. The brutality of it. I - I don't know how he can take anymore.
Anchorman: This could be a tragic day for the people of New York. It could be the end of Spider-Man.

Mary Jane Watson: We've all done terrible things to each other, but we have to forgive each other. Or everything we ever were will mean nothing.

Spider-Man: [surprising the Sandman] Flint Marko.
Spider-Man: [angrily] Remember Ben Parker? The old man you shot down in cold blood?
Flint Marko: What does it matter to you, anyway?
Spider-Man: [as subway car passes by loudly and blares its horn] Everything!

Peter Parker: This man killed my uncle, and he's still out there!

Harry Osborn: You knew this was coming Pete!
Peter Parker: Listen to me! I didn't kill your father!
Peter Parker: He was trying to kill me! He killed himself!
Harry Osborn: Shut up!

[from trailer]
Peter Parker: This suit, where'd this come from? The power, feels good... But you lose yourself to it...

[Harry, chasing Peter, throws one of his many devices at him. As it explodes and becomes a razor bat... ]
Peter Parker: Hate those things!

[from trailer]
Eddie Brock: [Spider-Man pulls himself up on to the car] Hey, Parker.

Peter Parker: I don't need your help.
Mary Jane Watson: Everybody needs help sometimes, Peter. Even Spider-Man.

Dr. Curt Connors: It enhances aggression...
[the symbiote slithers towards Peter, but it's quickly trapped under a glass]
Dr. Curt Connors: It seems to like you.

Eddie Brock: [as Black Suited Spider-Man gets ready to plunge into the sewer and pursue Sandman] Whoa. Buddy, love the new outfit. This is exactly what I need to scoop Parker. Gimme - Give me some of that web action.
Spider-Man: [slings a string of web, grabs Eddie's camera and slams it against the wall breaking it] See ya, chump.
Eddie Brock: [shouts at Spider- man who is already jumped down the sewer] What the hell?

[last lines]
Peter Parker: Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right.

Peter Parker: You're trash, Brock.
Eddie Brock: Excuse me?
Peter Parker: [Peter drops evidence on Eddie's desk revealing that his picture had been modified] Your picture's a fake.
Eddie Brock: Oh, Parker, you are such a boy scout. When are you going to give a guy a break?
Peter Parker: [Peter grabs Eddie and pushes him into his framed fake picture; Bugle workers all look at them] You want forgiveness? Get religion.
Joseph 'Robbie' Robertson: What's going on here?
Miss Brant: Are you guys all right?
Eddie Brock: Yeah. No, we - We're just horsing around.
[quietly to Peter]
Eddie Brock: Look, I'm begging you. If you do this, I will lose everything. There's not a paper in town that will hire me.
Peter Parker: You should've thought of that earlier.
Joseph 'Robbie' Robertson: What are you doing, Peter?
Peter Parker: [gives evidence to Robbie and walks away] Show this to your editor. Tell him to check his source next time.

Ursula: [after Peter yelled and insulted Mr. Ditkovitch and slams the door] That wasn't cool.
Mr. Ditkovitch: [still shocked by Peter's attitude] He's a good boy. He must be in some kind of trouble.

Emma Marko: [to Flint Marko] You can't hide here, Flint.

Eddie Brock: What about that amazing... amazing night that we had?
Gwen Stacy: We had a coffee, Eddie.

Jazz Club Bouncer: [to the manager] Everything okay here Paul?
Peter Parker: [to the manager] Yeah, everything okay here Paul?
Jazz Club Manager: Take him out of here.
Jazz Club Bouncer: [grabbing Peter's arm] Let's go, sir.
Peter Parker: Take your hands off me.

Flint Marko: I had a good reason for what I was doing. And that's the truth.
Emma Marko: You and the truth, sitting in prison, having three meals a day together. I live in the presence of great truth...
[points at her daughter's bedroom]
Emma Marko: ...and that is the truth that you left behind right there in that bedroom.
[Penny walks out of her room, Flint walks up to her]
Flint Marko: Penny. I missed you.
Penny Marko: I miss you too, Daddy.
Flint Marko: I promise I'll make you healthy again. Whatever it takes, I'll get the money.
Emma Marko: You get out of here. Now.
Flint Marko: [exits through the window] I'm not a bad person. Just had bad luck.

[a nurse compliments Harry about Peter and Mary Jane]
Harry Osborn: They're my best friends... I'd give my life for them.

Norman Osborn: You've taken your eye off the ball...
[Harry looks around, wondering who said that; he walks slowly towards his father's portrait and gazes hard at it, and then all his memories return with a crash]
Norman Osborn: Remember me!
Harry Osborn: Yes, Father. I remember.
Norman Osborn: I was right about you, about Peter... about everything. You know what you must do. Make him suffer, make him wish he were dead. First, we attack his heart!

Mary Jane Watson: Tell me again. Was I really good? I was so nervous. My knees were shaking.
Peter Parker: Your knees were fine.
Mary Jane Watson: The applause wasn't very loud.
Peter Parker: Yes, it was. Well, it's the acoustics. It's all about diffusion. It keeps the sound waves from grouping. You see when the sound waves, they propogate, then it's like an...
Mary Jane Watson: You are such a nerd.

Harry Osborn: [watching Spider-Man getting a kiss from Gwen Stacy] Hope Pete's getting a shot of this.

Jennifer Dugan: There seems to be some kind of activity in the web. They seem to be creating some kind of gigantic lettering.
[made in web by Venom: "Spider-Man Stop Us If You Can"]
Jennifer Dugan: Apparently, Spider-Man's being challenged to some sort of confrontation. And that raises serious questions about what kind of chance he'd stand against such overwhelming...

[after he pulls Eddie out of symbiote, Peter grabs a pumpkin bomb and tosses it into the cage to destroy it]
Eddie Brock: Peter! What are you doing? No!
Peter Parker: Eddie!
[Eddie runs back into the cage with symbiote and both are are vaporized by the explosion]

Mr. Ditkovitch: Rent?
Peter Parker: You'll get it later.
Mr. Ditkovitch: Its a free country. Not a rent-free country.
Peter Parker: [Tries opening his room and the door handle breaks]
Peter Parker: You will get your rent when you fix this DAM DOOR!