Sometimes, a hug is all what we need.
Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person.
How it all started:
I'd been living in London when my world turned upside down and I'd had to come home. By the time my plane landed back in Sydney, all I had left was a carry on bag full of clothes and a world of troubles. No one to welcome me back, no place to call home. I was a tourist in my hometown.
Standing there in the arrivals terminal, watching other passengers meeting their waiting friends and family, with open arms and smiling faces, hugging and laughing together, I wanted someone out there to be waiting for me. To be happy to see me. To smile at me. To hug me.
So I got some cardboard and a marker and made a sign. I found the busiest pedestrian intersection in the city and held that sign aloft, with the words "Free Hugs" on both sides.
And for 15 minutes, people just stared right through me. The first person who stopped, tapped me on the shoulder and told me how her dog had just died that morning. How that morning had been the one year anniversary of her only daughter dying in a car accident. How what she needed now, when she felt most alone in the world, was a hug. I got down on one knee, we put our arms around each other and when we parted, she was smiling.
Everyone has problems and for sure mine haven't compared. But to see someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time.
Why Did it get banned?
Public liability fear and red tape. But its all okay now! Make sure tocheck your local laws before embarking on your Hugathon!
Special Thanks
I would just like to thank Sick Puppies for their incredible song "All the Same " which the free hugs campaign video would have never been the same without.
For their music visit !
Blog Archive
- Free Hugs Campaign
- I Found No Reason to Complain
- Firework - Kate Perry
- Someday - Nina
- God Wants You To Know ....
- Just Married Wedding Planner
- New Friends, New Family, New Class, New Me in YOU :)
- Puasa dan Pantang menurut Ketentuan Gereja Katolik
- i'm not a princess - Taylor Swift
- Everyone is No. 1 - Andy Lau
- Tell me more
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I Found No Reason to Complain
Dari semula
T’lah Kau tetapkan
Hidupku dalam tanganMu
Dalam rencanaMu Tuhan
Rencana indah
T’lah Kau siapkan
Bagi masa depanku
Yang penuh harapan
S'mua baik, s’mua baik
Apa yang t’lah Kau perbuat
Di dalam hidupku
S’mua baik, sungguh teramat baik
Kau jadikan hidupku berarti.
Ya, smua yang Dia perbuat dalam hidup ku adalah baik, sungguh teramat baik dan menjadikan hidup ku sangat berarti. Tuhan baik :)
Aku yang sekarang, terbentuk menjadi pribadi yang lumayan kuat, karena aku selalu belajar untuk sabar dan setia dalam menjalani proses dari Tuhan untuk mencapai garis finish. Proses yang aku alami mungkin ada yang sama atau juga berbeda dengan yang teman-teman alami. Tetapi, semua orang pasti mengalami proses itu. Karena tanpa proses itu, tidak akan ada pribadi kita yang baru dan lebih baik.
Ibarat tanah liat yang di bentuk menjadi sebuah karya yang bagus dan indah, sebelum ia menjadi karya yang indah itu, ia harus mengalami proses yang menyakitkan. Tetapi, disaat prosesnya selesai, bukankah ia menjadi sebuah karya yang luar biasa ?
Begitu juga dengan diriku. Aku tidak bisa melarikan diri dari proses itu. Lemme tell u my story :
Aku belajar banyak hal saat aku ikut pelayanan di Legio Maria. Disaat aku mengalami suatu kondisi yang tidak menyenangkan. Aku jenuh dan bosan dengan rutinitas aku, yang berbuntut menghasilkan perasaan "aku kesepian, aku sendiri, tidak ada yg peduli dengan aku", it sucks ! Tetapi, Tuhan menyadarkan aku bahwa aku salah. Tuhan menyadarkan aku dengan mempertemukan aku dengan seorang opa. Sudah lama sekali aku tidak berkunjung kerumah opa. Dan disaat aku bertemu dengan opa, aku kaget, karena opa hanya sendirian dirumah. Aku tidak tau klo oma sudah meninggal. Satu-satunya teman opa, yang setia nemenin opa ngobrol seharian, sudah pergi meninggalkan opa. DEGGGGHH !!! Rasanya lutut aku melemas seketika. Aku berkata pada diriku sendiri "masih berani bilang kamu kesepian? kamu sendiri ? tidak ada yg peduli sm kamu? shame on you Rosi .." ><
Tetapi opa itu tidak bercerita tentang kesepian dia. Walaupun begitu, aku bisa merasakan opa sedih karena kehilangan seseorang yang berarti dalam hidupnya. Disaat aku pamitan pulang, opa memeluk aku dan meneteskan airmata. Aku benar-benar tertampar dengan keadaan itu, karena aku disadarkan bahwa aku hanya egois, memikirkan diri sendiri, mengganggap aku adalah orang yang kesepian dan patut di kasihani. Tetapi, aku melihat dengan mata kepala ku sendiri, bahwa aku adalah orang bodoh yang tidak menghargai orang-orang di sekitar aku. Aku belajar bersyukur. Bukankah ini adalah proses untuk aku ? Bukankah aku menjadi sangat bersyukur karena aku masih mempunyai keluarga dan teman" ? Bukankah ini menjadikan aku tidak egois lagi, hanya menuntut orang untuk mengerti aku?
Suatu ketika aku merasa aku berkekurangan dalam hal keuangan. Aku merasa tidak puas dan tidak cukup dari penghasilan aku.
Dan, aku kembali merasa tertampar karena aku mengunjungi seorang oma yang kondisi rumahnya sangat tidak layak tinggal.
Lantai nya berlumut, tempat tidurnya kotor, hampir tidak terlihat lagi warna aslinya karena yang saya lihat hanya warna hitam debu. Ruangan yang tidak terkena matahari, lembab. Bernafas saja saya susah, karena memang bau sekali. Aku hampir menangis di depan oma tersebut, tetapi aku bertahan agar tidak meneteskan air mata dan berusaha tetap tersenyum. Oma tidak mengeluh sama sekali dengan keadaannya, itu yang membuat aku menjadi malu. Hati ku menangis sekencang-kencangnya. Setelah pulang, aku menangis. Kenapa aku masih berani merasa kurang ? Padahal aku masih bisa tinggal di rumah yang baik, aku masih bisa makan kenyang 3x sehari, aku tidak kelaparan tidak kehausan, aku masih bisa jajan, aku masih bisa pake baju yang bagus, aku masih punya sepatu dan sendal ... Agh !! Apa sih mau mu Rosi ??? aku berteriak dan marah pada diriku sendiri ... Disaat aku mengalami kesulitan keuangan, bukankah itu adalah proses yang harus aku jalani ? Dari situasi itu aku belajar untuk berhemat, bagaimana caranya aku harus survive dengan uang yang ada ? bagaimana caranya agar uang nya tetap harus ada sisa ? Bukankah aku mendapatkan sesuatu yang berharga dari kondisi itu ??
Dalam hal pekerjaan, aku juga mengalami proses yang lumayan menyakitkan. Aku yakin, semua teman-teman pernah mengalami di fitnah, di caci maki. Aku juga mengalami hal itu. Menyakitkan memang. Suatu hari aku di tuduh selingkuh oleh istri atasanku. Karena aku sering keluar kantor dengan atasan untuk bertemu client. Disaat aku di fitnah, di caci maki, di hina oleh istrinya, rasanya aku ingin teriak, rasanya aku ingin menghilang, rasanya aku ingin menangis. Tetapi saat itu aku diam. Aku diam dan aku diam. Aku di biarkan berjalan sendiri di tol, aku kebingungan mencari jalan keluar dari tol. Aku kebingungan harus kemana, pulang atau ke kampus, atau kemana ya ... Aku merasa kehilangan akal, karena aku shock, kenapa aku harus mengalami hal ini ? tidak adil ! aku bekerja dengan baik, aku tidak melakukan hal yang tidak baik, tapi kenapa begini jadinya ?
Aku di ancam akan di pecat. Aku di jauhi oleh teman-teman rekan kerja. Karena mereka berpikir, istrinya tidak akan menuduh aku kalo memang aku tidak berbuat. Entah apa lagi yang bisa aku lakukan, aku benar-benar bingung. Tetapi atasan ku mengatakan bahwa aku tidak akan di pecat. Aku akan tetap bekerja di perusahaan itu dan semua akan baik-baik saja.
Fitnah, caci maki dan hinaan dari istri atasan ku sangat melukai aku. TEtapi proses itu, membuat aku belajar mengerti sebuah kesabaran. Dan keyakinan bahwa aku tidak perlu takut karena aku tidak salah. Waktu akan membuktikan siapa yang benar.
Aku melewati proses itu, dan menjadikan aku seorang yang lebih sabar.
Aku di selamatkan ! Betapa aku bersyukur, karena sejak kecil, sebelum aku mengenal Yesus, DIA sudah hadir dalam hidup ku, dan berkarya dengan luar biasa. Aku di selamatkan dari kecelakaan saat aku masih bayi, berkali-kali aku di selamatkan dari kecelakaan,jatuh dari tangga saat aku berusia 3 bulan, di tabrak motor saat aku berusia 4 tahun, di selamatkan melalui sepupu ku saat aku terjebak banjir besar, tidak bisa pulang kerumah, banyak hal yang membuat aku semakin bersyukur dan bersyukur, karena Yesus begitu baik terhadap ku.
Merasa tidak berharga di mata manusia, merasa tidak berarti itu pernah aku alami. Tetapi, mengingat karya-karya Yesus dalam hidup ku, membuat aku merasa special dan meyakinkan aku, bahwa aku berharga di hadapanNya, aku berarti untuk Dia. Aku mau dipakai sebagai alat-Nya. Entah apa rencana Tuhan dalam hidup ku, tetapi, aku yakin bahwa semua itu indah dan baik untuk ku. Seorang sahabat ku mengatakan, "Kamu anak kesayangan Tuhan, tanpa kamu meminta pun, Dia sudah menyediakan yang terbaik untuk kamu".
Lalu, seorang senior ku berkata, "Kamu anak baik, saya bisa melihat itu". Ada sukacita saat mendengar kata-kata baik sperti itu, karena, itu membuat aku semakin berusaha untuk lebih baik lagi, aku tidak akan pernah mencapai kesempurnaan, karena kesempurnaan hanya milik DIA, tetapi aku selalu berusaha untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik dan baik lagi.
Aku yang sekarang ini, hanya ingin mengajak semua orang untuk selalu bersyukur, dalam situasi apapun, jangan mencari alasan untuk mengeluh, jangan biarkan keluhan merebut sukacita mu. Aku mencoba untuk share sukacita dan semangat ku lewat posting di facebook, twitter, ym, atau bbm dan beberapa kali ada teman yang mengatakan "Terimakasih ya ta ... status mu menguatkan aku", atau "Ta, thankyou so much, i feel blessed di tengah kejenuhan gw sm pekerjaan, pas liat status ym loe, gw jadi semangat lagi", lalu ada lagi "Bu, lo orang yg penuh semangat ya ! gw jadi ikut"an semangat nih gara" status lo !!". Rasanya, aku mendapatkan sukacita yang berkali-kali lipat saat teman ku berkata sperti itu. Semoga aku boleh terus menularkan semangat sukacita kepada keluarga dan teman sahabat ku :)And, you know what, kita smua ini special loh !!
Aku sering merasa iri melihat teman-teman yang bisa selalu berkumpul dengan keluarganya. Terlebih disaat special, sperti ulang tahun, pernikahan, atau sekedar jalan-jalan di hari minggu/libur. Aku, rasanya sudah lama sekali tidak berkumpul dengan keluarga ku. Papa Mama dan Koko di Sekura, Koko yang satu lagi di Amrik. Aku di jakarta hanya dengan 2 Cece ku, tetapi mereka sudah menikah, jadinya waktu mereka lebih banyak untk keluarga mereka. Aku inget banget, satu-satunya pesta ulang tahun aku yang di rayain adalah saat aku berusia 7 tahun. Setelah itu, aku bahkan sering lupa dengan ulang tahun ku sendiri :p Tetapi, aku tidak melupakan ulang tahun keluargaku, dan selalu berusaha untuk memberikan ucapan dan doa walaupun aku tidak memberikan kado dalam bentuk barang atau apapun. Aku tidak punya foto keluarga, kalaupun ada, tidak lengkap. Karena kami terpisah-pisah. Dan akhirnya aku belajar photoshop. Hanya untuk membuat sebuah foto dan aku menyatukan foto" keluarga ku menjadi 1 foto. Bodohnya aku :p
Tetapi, hal ini membuat aku belajar, dan menyadari, ini memang proses yang harus aku jalani juga, seandainya aku tidak jauh dari orang tua, mungkin aku akan menjadi seorang yang manja dan tidak mandiri. Dan, jika aku tidak jauh dari keluarga ku, mungkin aku tidak akan tau apa artinya kangen dan hal itu membuat aku lebih memberikan perhatian kepada keluarga ku. Dan, satu hal, karena aku jauh dari keluarga, itu membuat aku semakin bersemangat untuk melakukan yang terbaik dalam pekerjaan dan apapun, agar keluarga ku bangga terhadap aku.
Aku tidak lagi merasa iri, malah aku selalu mengatakan, "bersyukurlah kalian yang bisa setiap hari bersama keluarga :)". Aku harus mengatakan, apabila kita melihat ukiran senyuman manis di wajah orang-orang di sekitar kita ( terlebih orang-orang yang kita sayangi ), kita merasakan damai dan sukacita yang lebih, bukan ? Tuhan baik :)
Terinspirasi dari lagu "Indah pada waktu-Nya" yang di nyanyikan oleh Edward Chen, yang di ambil dari perjanjian lama Pengkhotbah,
T’lah Kau tetapkan
Hidupku dalam tanganMu
Dalam rencanaMu Tuhan
Rencana indah
T’lah Kau siapkan
Bagi masa depanku
Yang penuh harapan
S'mua baik, s’mua baik
Apa yang t’lah Kau perbuat
Di dalam hidupku
S’mua baik, sungguh teramat baik
Kau jadikan hidupku berarti.
Ya, smua yang Dia perbuat dalam hidup ku adalah baik, sungguh teramat baik dan menjadikan hidup ku sangat berarti. Tuhan baik :)
Aku yang sekarang, terbentuk menjadi pribadi yang lumayan kuat, karena aku selalu belajar untuk sabar dan setia dalam menjalani proses dari Tuhan untuk mencapai garis finish. Proses yang aku alami mungkin ada yang sama atau juga berbeda dengan yang teman-teman alami. Tetapi, semua orang pasti mengalami proses itu. Karena tanpa proses itu, tidak akan ada pribadi kita yang baru dan lebih baik.
Ibarat tanah liat yang di bentuk menjadi sebuah karya yang bagus dan indah, sebelum ia menjadi karya yang indah itu, ia harus mengalami proses yang menyakitkan. Tetapi, disaat prosesnya selesai, bukankah ia menjadi sebuah karya yang luar biasa ?
Begitu juga dengan diriku. Aku tidak bisa melarikan diri dari proses itu. Lemme tell u my story :
Aku belajar banyak hal saat aku ikut pelayanan di Legio Maria. Disaat aku mengalami suatu kondisi yang tidak menyenangkan. Aku jenuh dan bosan dengan rutinitas aku, yang berbuntut menghasilkan perasaan "aku kesepian, aku sendiri, tidak ada yg peduli dengan aku", it sucks ! Tetapi, Tuhan menyadarkan aku bahwa aku salah. Tuhan menyadarkan aku dengan mempertemukan aku dengan seorang opa. Sudah lama sekali aku tidak berkunjung kerumah opa. Dan disaat aku bertemu dengan opa, aku kaget, karena opa hanya sendirian dirumah. Aku tidak tau klo oma sudah meninggal. Satu-satunya teman opa, yang setia nemenin opa ngobrol seharian, sudah pergi meninggalkan opa. DEGGGGHH !!! Rasanya lutut aku melemas seketika. Aku berkata pada diriku sendiri "masih berani bilang kamu kesepian? kamu sendiri ? tidak ada yg peduli sm kamu? shame on you Rosi .." ><
Tetapi opa itu tidak bercerita tentang kesepian dia. Walaupun begitu, aku bisa merasakan opa sedih karena kehilangan seseorang yang berarti dalam hidupnya. Disaat aku pamitan pulang, opa memeluk aku dan meneteskan airmata. Aku benar-benar tertampar dengan keadaan itu, karena aku disadarkan bahwa aku hanya egois, memikirkan diri sendiri, mengganggap aku adalah orang yang kesepian dan patut di kasihani. Tetapi, aku melihat dengan mata kepala ku sendiri, bahwa aku adalah orang bodoh yang tidak menghargai orang-orang di sekitar aku. Aku belajar bersyukur. Bukankah ini adalah proses untuk aku ? Bukankah aku menjadi sangat bersyukur karena aku masih mempunyai keluarga dan teman" ? Bukankah ini menjadikan aku tidak egois lagi, hanya menuntut orang untuk mengerti aku?
Suatu ketika aku merasa aku berkekurangan dalam hal keuangan. Aku merasa tidak puas dan tidak cukup dari penghasilan aku.
Dan, aku kembali merasa tertampar karena aku mengunjungi seorang oma yang kondisi rumahnya sangat tidak layak tinggal.
Lantai nya berlumut, tempat tidurnya kotor, hampir tidak terlihat lagi warna aslinya karena yang saya lihat hanya warna hitam debu. Ruangan yang tidak terkena matahari, lembab. Bernafas saja saya susah, karena memang bau sekali. Aku hampir menangis di depan oma tersebut, tetapi aku bertahan agar tidak meneteskan air mata dan berusaha tetap tersenyum. Oma tidak mengeluh sama sekali dengan keadaannya, itu yang membuat aku menjadi malu. Hati ku menangis sekencang-kencangnya. Setelah pulang, aku menangis. Kenapa aku masih berani merasa kurang ? Padahal aku masih bisa tinggal di rumah yang baik, aku masih bisa makan kenyang 3x sehari, aku tidak kelaparan tidak kehausan, aku masih bisa jajan, aku masih bisa pake baju yang bagus, aku masih punya sepatu dan sendal ... Agh !! Apa sih mau mu Rosi ??? aku berteriak dan marah pada diriku sendiri ... Disaat aku mengalami kesulitan keuangan, bukankah itu adalah proses yang harus aku jalani ? Dari situasi itu aku belajar untuk berhemat, bagaimana caranya aku harus survive dengan uang yang ada ? bagaimana caranya agar uang nya tetap harus ada sisa ? Bukankah aku mendapatkan sesuatu yang berharga dari kondisi itu ??
Dalam hal pekerjaan, aku juga mengalami proses yang lumayan menyakitkan. Aku yakin, semua teman-teman pernah mengalami di fitnah, di caci maki. Aku juga mengalami hal itu. Menyakitkan memang. Suatu hari aku di tuduh selingkuh oleh istri atasanku. Karena aku sering keluar kantor dengan atasan untuk bertemu client. Disaat aku di fitnah, di caci maki, di hina oleh istrinya, rasanya aku ingin teriak, rasanya aku ingin menghilang, rasanya aku ingin menangis. Tetapi saat itu aku diam. Aku diam dan aku diam. Aku di biarkan berjalan sendiri di tol, aku kebingungan mencari jalan keluar dari tol. Aku kebingungan harus kemana, pulang atau ke kampus, atau kemana ya ... Aku merasa kehilangan akal, karena aku shock, kenapa aku harus mengalami hal ini ? tidak adil ! aku bekerja dengan baik, aku tidak melakukan hal yang tidak baik, tapi kenapa begini jadinya ?
Aku di ancam akan di pecat. Aku di jauhi oleh teman-teman rekan kerja. Karena mereka berpikir, istrinya tidak akan menuduh aku kalo memang aku tidak berbuat. Entah apa lagi yang bisa aku lakukan, aku benar-benar bingung. Tetapi atasan ku mengatakan bahwa aku tidak akan di pecat. Aku akan tetap bekerja di perusahaan itu dan semua akan baik-baik saja.
Fitnah, caci maki dan hinaan dari istri atasan ku sangat melukai aku. TEtapi proses itu, membuat aku belajar mengerti sebuah kesabaran. Dan keyakinan bahwa aku tidak perlu takut karena aku tidak salah. Waktu akan membuktikan siapa yang benar.
Aku melewati proses itu, dan menjadikan aku seorang yang lebih sabar.
Aku di selamatkan ! Betapa aku bersyukur, karena sejak kecil, sebelum aku mengenal Yesus, DIA sudah hadir dalam hidup ku, dan berkarya dengan luar biasa. Aku di selamatkan dari kecelakaan saat aku masih bayi, berkali-kali aku di selamatkan dari kecelakaan,jatuh dari tangga saat aku berusia 3 bulan, di tabrak motor saat aku berusia 4 tahun, di selamatkan melalui sepupu ku saat aku terjebak banjir besar, tidak bisa pulang kerumah, banyak hal yang membuat aku semakin bersyukur dan bersyukur, karena Yesus begitu baik terhadap ku.
Merasa tidak berharga di mata manusia, merasa tidak berarti itu pernah aku alami. Tetapi, mengingat karya-karya Yesus dalam hidup ku, membuat aku merasa special dan meyakinkan aku, bahwa aku berharga di hadapanNya, aku berarti untuk Dia. Aku mau dipakai sebagai alat-Nya. Entah apa rencana Tuhan dalam hidup ku, tetapi, aku yakin bahwa semua itu indah dan baik untuk ku. Seorang sahabat ku mengatakan, "Kamu anak kesayangan Tuhan, tanpa kamu meminta pun, Dia sudah menyediakan yang terbaik untuk kamu".
Lalu, seorang senior ku berkata, "Kamu anak baik, saya bisa melihat itu". Ada sukacita saat mendengar kata-kata baik sperti itu, karena, itu membuat aku semakin berusaha untuk lebih baik lagi, aku tidak akan pernah mencapai kesempurnaan, karena kesempurnaan hanya milik DIA, tetapi aku selalu berusaha untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik dan baik lagi.
Aku yang sekarang ini, hanya ingin mengajak semua orang untuk selalu bersyukur, dalam situasi apapun, jangan mencari alasan untuk mengeluh, jangan biarkan keluhan merebut sukacita mu. Aku mencoba untuk share sukacita dan semangat ku lewat posting di facebook, twitter, ym, atau bbm dan beberapa kali ada teman yang mengatakan "Terimakasih ya ta ... status mu menguatkan aku", atau "Ta, thankyou so much, i feel blessed di tengah kejenuhan gw sm pekerjaan, pas liat status ym loe, gw jadi semangat lagi", lalu ada lagi "Bu, lo orang yg penuh semangat ya ! gw jadi ikut"an semangat nih gara" status lo !!". Rasanya, aku mendapatkan sukacita yang berkali-kali lipat saat teman ku berkata sperti itu. Semoga aku boleh terus menularkan semangat sukacita kepada keluarga dan teman sahabat ku :)And, you know what, kita smua ini special loh !!
Aku sering merasa iri melihat teman-teman yang bisa selalu berkumpul dengan keluarganya. Terlebih disaat special, sperti ulang tahun, pernikahan, atau sekedar jalan-jalan di hari minggu/libur. Aku, rasanya sudah lama sekali tidak berkumpul dengan keluarga ku. Papa Mama dan Koko di Sekura, Koko yang satu lagi di Amrik. Aku di jakarta hanya dengan 2 Cece ku, tetapi mereka sudah menikah, jadinya waktu mereka lebih banyak untk keluarga mereka. Aku inget banget, satu-satunya pesta ulang tahun aku yang di rayain adalah saat aku berusia 7 tahun. Setelah itu, aku bahkan sering lupa dengan ulang tahun ku sendiri :p Tetapi, aku tidak melupakan ulang tahun keluargaku, dan selalu berusaha untuk memberikan ucapan dan doa walaupun aku tidak memberikan kado dalam bentuk barang atau apapun. Aku tidak punya foto keluarga, kalaupun ada, tidak lengkap. Karena kami terpisah-pisah. Dan akhirnya aku belajar photoshop. Hanya untuk membuat sebuah foto dan aku menyatukan foto" keluarga ku menjadi 1 foto. Bodohnya aku :p
Tetapi, hal ini membuat aku belajar, dan menyadari, ini memang proses yang harus aku jalani juga, seandainya aku tidak jauh dari orang tua, mungkin aku akan menjadi seorang yang manja dan tidak mandiri. Dan, jika aku tidak jauh dari keluarga ku, mungkin aku tidak akan tau apa artinya kangen dan hal itu membuat aku lebih memberikan perhatian kepada keluarga ku. Dan, satu hal, karena aku jauh dari keluarga, itu membuat aku semakin bersemangat untuk melakukan yang terbaik dalam pekerjaan dan apapun, agar keluarga ku bangga terhadap aku.
Aku tidak lagi merasa iri, malah aku selalu mengatakan, "bersyukurlah kalian yang bisa setiap hari bersama keluarga :)". Aku harus mengatakan, apabila kita melihat ukiran senyuman manis di wajah orang-orang di sekitar kita ( terlebih orang-orang yang kita sayangi ), kita merasakan damai dan sukacita yang lebih, bukan ? Tuhan baik :)
Terinspirasi dari lagu "Indah pada waktu-Nya" yang di nyanyikan oleh Edward Chen, yang di ambil dari perjanjian lama Pengkhotbah,
Yakinlah, bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam hidup mu itu indah. Semoga kita selalu belajar untuk bersyukur ya ...
I Found no reason to complain, because God is good. Blessing me with a great family, blessing me with great friends, blessing me with a great job, blessing me all the time ! Aku tidak berhasil menemukan alasan untuk mengeluh dan komplain. Aneh kah ? Aku rasa tidak ... karena hidup ku menjadi lebih berarti dengan semua proses yang aku alami.
Tersenyumlah dan Bersyukurlah :)
Jakarta, 30 Maret 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Firework - Kate Perry
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?
Do you ever feel already buried deep?
Six feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
'Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down
You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through
'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Official Music Video by Kate Perry :
Gerald Koo & Jason Chen Cover Version :
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?
Do you ever feel already buried deep?
Six feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
'Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down
You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through
'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Official Music Video by Kate Perry :
Gerald Koo & Jason Chen Cover Version :
Someday - Nina
Someday you'll gonna realize
One day you'll see through my eyes
But then i won't even be there
I'll be happy somewhere
Even if i can't
I know
You dont really see my worth
You think your the last guy on earth
Well i've got news for you
I know i'm not that strong
But it won't take long
Won't take long
Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i want you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day i'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you
Someday, someday
But now
I know you can't tell
I'm down,and i'm not down anyway
But one day these tears
They will all run dry
I won't have to cry
Sweet goodbye
Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i want you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day i'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you
Someday, someday ...
One day you'll see through my eyes
But then i won't even be there
I'll be happy somewhere
Even if i can't
I know
You dont really see my worth
You think your the last guy on earth
Well i've got news for you
I know i'm not that strong
But it won't take long
Won't take long
Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i want you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day i'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you
Someday, someday
But now
I know you can't tell
I'm down,and i'm not down anyway
But one day these tears
They will all run dry
I won't have to cry
Sweet goodbye
Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i want you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day i'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you
Someday, someday ...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
God Wants You To Know ....
... that there are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. That's a quote by Albert Einstein. Don't wait for miracles, your whole life is a miracle.
... that tonight you can turn your worries to God, and have a good night's sleep. You've been worrying too much about the future lately. So tonight, go ahead, put your faith in God, and just have a peaceful evening and a restful sleep.
... that there are appropriate times to stand in your power. Power isn't always evil. If you stand tall in the power of goodness, you can have a powerful impact on a situation.
... that your soul wants the freedom to sing, dance, love. As your body needs nourishment - food, drink, sleep, so does your soul need nourishment - sing, dance, love. Life is not all work, work is not all hard toil. Nourish your soul with the food that is right for it, for it is the altar of your own inner temple.
... that when you need some energy and inspiration, step outside. Touch the Earth with your feet, lift your face to the sun, breathe the air, listen to the birds and the wind through the trees. Glory in the creation that surrounds you.
... that you are a human being, not a human doing. Take time to just be, to breathe slowly, to feel your body that is the temple of your soul. No activities, no worries, no buzzing.
... that it is time to finally forgive yourself. You've carried the guilt, the shame for long enough. You've kept your wounds open for long enough. The time has come to let go, to heal. Keep the lessons and let the pain heal. Yes, you know what we are talking about it.
... that you are blessed. You may think you have challenges, but you have so many blessings. Sometimes it takes only a moment of conscious effort to recognize those blessings. Once you focus on the gifts instead of the problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere.
... that you are beautiful. Even when you feel ugly or depressed or guilty or ashamed, there is an inner spark in you which is light. This light is your beauty. This light is your reflection of God. You are a child of God, thus you are beautiful.
... that if you could see with the eyes of God, this world would be filled with goodness. Goodness is within you and every living being. Let your goodness shine.
... that the weight you carry on your shoulders is much too heavy for one human being. Give some of that weight where it belongs, - to God, and have faith that what happens is for the best, whether you understand it or not.
... that you cannot free yourself from a problem by shutting your eyes to it. To free yourself from a problem you have to acknowledge it and face it with your eyes and heart open.
... that faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty. Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!
... that sleep and rest are all part of the divine order. Don't make your waking life and responsibilities so important that you neglect the very real benefits of sleep, rest, and dreaming. The night is your time of restoration. It is essential. God made both day and night for a reason.
... that what you are most afraid of is where your greatest rewards are. If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.
... that although forgiveness is very hard, it is necessary. Holding onto anger and old hurts hardens your heart and hurts only you. Ask for help in letting go of the anger. Ask to see the situation through the eyes of compassion. Allow yourself to feel the lightness of forgiveness.
... that no matter how good you try to be to others, you will occasionally hurt them. Forgive yourself for it. The same will happen with them. Forgive them for it.
... that whatever fills your heart with gladness is a good thing. Let yourself be filled. There is much joy and beauty in the world if you only open yourself to it.
... that there is no need to obsess over a decision. God has more in store for us then we can ever predict, and what we fear are bad choices frequently turn out for the best, because our hidden aspirations know better where we are going than our rational minds.
... that you will feel better if you notice the sweetness of life. Notice the smiles of children, the songs of the birds, the caress of the sun's warmth. This sweetness is for you. Allow it to soothe your soul and bring a smile to your face.
... that you will feel better if you notice the sweetness of life. Notice the smiles of children, the songs of the birds, the caress of the sun's warmth. This sweetness is for you. Allow it to soothe your soul and bring a smile to your face.
... that the greatest happiness in life is knowing that you are loved for who you are, and sometimes in spite of who you are. Give this happiness to your family, to your friends, to your neighbors.
... that it's okay to ask for help. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the details and complexities of our lives. Sometimes we need some help to get untangled, to gain a new perspective. Ask for help. Help may come in human or divine form. It may be seen or unseen. Ask, and ye shall receive.
... that when the night feels very long, remember that a new day is just around the bend. With each new day we are given new hope, new possibilities, new opportunities. Each new day is a miracle.
... that you are not alone. God is always with you, seen or unseen, saint or sinner. Giving you air, supporting your footsteps, nourishing you with sunshine, God is here with you. The separateness you sometimes feel is an illusion, in truth you are never alone.
... that everyone mistakes the limits of their vision for the limits of the world. Have compassion for others when they cannot see what is obvious to you. Have compassion for yourself when you realize that you can see only a small part of God's vision for the world.
... that when an impossible must happen, put it on God's to-do list. Well, if you can't make it happen, and no one else can, there is only thing left to do, - finally look up and trust in God to make it right.
... that your remedy for anxiety is the question: 'Will this matter in a year from now?' All too often you get so involved in things that you look at life through a microscope. Amplifying manifold, an invisible speck becomes an insurmountable mountain. Put down the microscope and imagine yourself a year from now looking back at today: 'Does this really matter?'
... that when you feel down, look at yourself through God's eyes. There are times when no matter how hard you try, you just cannot accept yourself as you are. During such times, think of how you look to God's eyes. In God's eyes, there is no judgment, there is only acceptance. God sees your light when all that you can see are your shadows. God loves you more than anyone could ever love you as you really are.
... that today you can help a thousand people see God's light. Feel God's light shining within you and take a step to inspire someone else to shine. As you share this vision today with just one soul, that reaches ten lives that touch a thousand.
... that how bad things may look right now means nothing, - it's how good they can be with God's help that counts. In life you can absolutely count on one thing, - everything can turn around in one day, in one minute sometimes. Don't you dare to give up, - you might be a moment away from a windfall.
... that you can be an echo of your past, or the glory of your future. Past is connected to future through the present. At this very moment, at every moment, you are choosing to carry on the past with all its troubles on your shoulders, OR to let it go and see bright future pull your forward. Choose wisely.
... that if you desire something, offer something. Offerings can come in many forms: a gift, a prayer, a smile, flowers, food. Offer something from your heart.
... that God doesn't give you what you want, God gives you according to who you are. Change who you are to change your life.
... that you've been driving yourself too hard lately. Sure, there is time to invest yourself fully into work, but there is equally important time for joyful resting. And for you, this time is now. What is the absolutely most wonderful little treat you can give yourself? Do it today.
... that today is a whole day for you to do good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a whole day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; and in its place will be something that you had left behind... let it be something good.
... that it's time you cleansed yourself with laughter and with tears. Let tears take out all the agony that is hidden inside you, and let laughter ignite your contagious joy.
... that there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. Happiness does not come from seeking new landscapes, but from having new eyes on the same life you've always been living.
... that when you come to a wall, you can either climb it, or you can simply walk around until you find a door. Don't make life so hard, - look for the doors!
... that you only need to Ask. God is waiting for your Asking, waiting to reach out to you.
... that life is not a distraction from, life is an occasion for prayer. You don't need a special place or special time to pray. You don't need to be in a special mood to pray. Praying is like breathing, - continuous, essential, life-giving, - praying is the conversation with God you start with birth and continue into old age. Praying is your celebration of God, - everything you do, everything you think, everything you say is another word, another sentence of your prayer.
... that family is not a name for a group of people, but the quality of relationships between them. Relationships grounded in mutual love, trust, caring and forgiveness. In all the ups and all the downs of life. Look closely, - who is really your family, and who in truth are just strangers in for the ride?
... that it's time you stopped hiding from life, and said yes to the adventure of being alive. Enough of the routine already. Go on, have an adventure, - do what you always wanted deep within your heart. Do what brings you alive, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
... that it is the day of deep peace for you. Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the shining star to you.
... that it's okay to receive. Have you been the giver for so long that you have forgotten how to receive? Allow others to give you some of the love that you give so freely. Seek a balance between your giving and your receiving.
... that sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need. Try something new. Do something fun. Be adventurous. These breaks can bring renewed energy into your work and your life.
... that your kindness makes a difference. Even if it is a very tiny act of goodness and you think no one notices, God notices. Always remember that one little act of kindness can tilt the balance of an entire situation. One little act of kindness can ripple out in countless ways that you many never know about.
... that sometimes it may feel too hard to do it alone. Sometimes it may seem like you can't figure it out by yourself. Sometimes will and strength and courage are not enough. Sometimes in your life you will need to call out for help. Call on God. God will be there.
... that change is the very nature of life, - welcome it. No glass ever became sand again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened fruit ever became a flower. Welcome change, and choose what kind of glass you create, what kind of bread you bake, what kind of fruit you harvest.
... that your soul is always in communion with God. When you feel lost, or afraid, or sad, - feel into your soul to find the strength of Divine presence.
... that God is glad that you are You. Sure, we all have things we want to change, to improve about ourselves. But underneath the flesh and bone, you are an immortal and perfect soul. Always remember that.
... that you are unique and precious. When you try to value yourself for being the best in something, you are bound to fail. Even Olympic champions are the best only for a few years. You are precious to God not because there is no one better than you, but because you are a unique creation of mind, body and spirit, - there is no one like you, - and that is exactly what makes you so indescribably precious.
... that nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome is going to be. You keep wanting to know how things will play out, keep asking to see the future. God doesn't give anyone the power to know the future, because life becomes maddeningly boring when you know everything upfront. So, instead of struggling, enjoy the uncertainty - to be alive means to not know.
... that when you feel alone and your heart is troubled, talk to God. Let the presence of God come to you and envelope you and bring you peace.
... that you have to pass through a dark night of the soul. Everyone does, including you. A time comes when what you have always believed is true melts away underneath you. When you cast in doubt even the most obvious, the most simple. When it seems that dark night is all around, and you are all alone. Take heart, this journey through abyss is the final barrier before your emergence into the heavenly light of a new synthesis of your being. God is waiting for you on the other side.
... that silence is golden. When we are quiet, we can hear God's messages to us. Sometimes these messages may be in the form of subtle intuition. Sometimes it may feel like an inner knowing. Sometimes we may hear a 'still, small voice.' If it feels right in your heart, trust that it is God speaking to you.
... that gratitude is good. The more you are thankful for, the more you will have to be thankful for. God responds to a grateful heart with joy.
... that as you surrender to divine providence in your life, you will feel lifted and carried and held. All is well, all is well, all is well.
... that there is no such thing as a problem without a Divine gift hidden within it. You have these problems because you need the gifts they carry within.
... that you don't have to be serious to be spiritual. Laughter is good! Levity is good! When you allow yourself to be joyful, that joy radiates to all those around you. God honors you and your laughter.
... that there is a time and a season for everything. It may be a time of new beginnings, a time of growth, a time of reaping the harvest of hard work, or a time of rest. Trust this beautiful order. Everything in its time.
... that you are loved and you are not alone. Even when you feel physically alone, know that you are surrounded by divine love. Like God, love is not visible, but that does not mean it is not there. You are loved.
... that God sees you as you truly are, - a holy child of light: I see you strong and whole. I see you blessed and prospered. I see you courageous and confident. I see you capable and successful. I see you free from all limitations or bondage of any kind. I see you as the spiritually perfect being you truly are.
... that you are a child of God. Remain strong in your faith, no matter how many mistakes God's children make along the way of growing up, they are still destined for Grace and eternal Joy.
... that today is a big day for you. Yes, today. Keep your eyes open for a message. It might come in a shape of a bird flying overhead, or a graffiti on a wall, or a phrase said by a passerby, or... Whatever shape it has, this message has been trying to reach you for years, and today is finally the day. Keep your senses open.
... that every little part of you is magical. Yes, even the parts that hurt, even the ones that are feeling disease right now. It's alright to love what is in pain. More than alright, that's exactly where your love is needed the most. So why not touch that part that hurts and smile at it, at yourself through it, and whisper: ''I love you.''
... that this world was made for you too. Enjoy it, explore it, experience it. Don't hold back. It is God's gift to you. Don't be a wallflower in the dance of life.
... that it's OK. Just rest for a moment. It's OK. Yes, things are crazy, yes, the world is going nuts. Yet, deep underneath the stormy waves, there, in the core of your being, there is pure silence, pure love. And ... it's ... just ... OK.
... that your unspoken prayers will be answered. Yes, God knows you, God hears you, God loves you, God is there for you. You are blessed.
... that God is there for you to hold on. Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your faith, even if it's easier to let go. Hold on to God's hand.
... that true faith flowers from and through doubt. If you never questioned your beliefs, - you are just a puppet dancing to somebody's strings. If God had wanted your mindless obedience, you would've been created without mind and without free will. But you have both so you can come to God of your own accord. Just look at the lives of saints, - most of them had gone through a dark night of the soul, and that's why their faith was so strong. The path to true faith always goes through doubt. So ask those questions you've always been afraid to ask, and find the answers, and then your faith will become unshakable.
... that peace will come when you let the presence of God settle into your heart. If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.
... that you have so many gifts! - use them. God has given you so many gifts to sow love and to give hope, to shine light and to spread joy. Abundant gifts. Use them. Give to yourself and give to others. There is an endless spring where they come from.
... that when you are unsure how to proceed, stop. Be still and enter into the silence. Allow your mind to cease its restless thinking. Wait. Let the answer come in its time.
... that it's time you remembered who you really are. You are not your wallet, your job, your kids, your house. You are not your activities or your worries or the labels other people give you. Like an actor you play these roles, and like a good actor you sometimes forget who you really are. Time to wake up now, and remember that you are a being of immense power and breathtaking beauty created in the image of God.
... that every moment is an opportunity for you to be happy. You know how sometimes it seems that life is just throwing you one curved ball after another? Well, guess what, - you have a great way to respond! - you can use every opportunity, every single one, to be happy. Don't just take a shower - feel into and receive pleasure from the water on your skin. Don't just walk on the street - enjoy the fragrances of the trees and the flowers on your way. Don't just drive your car - sing karaoke to your favorite radio station.
... that you learn what you do. If you worry a lot, then day after day you are learning how to worry even better. If you think about doing something a lot, then you are learning how to think about doing. Every moment you are happy, you are learning how to be even happier. Every time you act, you are learning how to take an action even better. What is it that you've been learning today? What is it that you want to learn tomorrow?
... that God is crazy about you. God sends you fresh flowers every spring, a breathtaking sunrise every morning. If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it. If God has a refrigerator, your childhood scribbles would be on it.
... that the way you treat others is the way you treat yourself. True respect for another comes from self respect. True love for another comes from self love. True forgiveness for another comes from self forgiveness.
... that inevitable is best accepted with serenity. There are times when you absolutely see no solution. When you've thought and thought and prayed and prayed; when you've sat still in meditation listening for an answer and still no answer comes. There are times when it's okay to just surrender.
Who are You to shine brighter than others? Who are You to take a step forward when others are shrinking back? Who are You to make others feel insecure with your greatness? You are a child of God. Take a step forward, shine bright, - inspire others with your light to their own greatness.
Jakarta, 23 March 2011
... that tonight you can turn your worries to God, and have a good night's sleep. You've been worrying too much about the future lately. So tonight, go ahead, put your faith in God, and just have a peaceful evening and a restful sleep.
... that there are appropriate times to stand in your power. Power isn't always evil. If you stand tall in the power of goodness, you can have a powerful impact on a situation.
... that your soul wants the freedom to sing, dance, love. As your body needs nourishment - food, drink, sleep, so does your soul need nourishment - sing, dance, love. Life is not all work, work is not all hard toil. Nourish your soul with the food that is right for it, for it is the altar of your own inner temple.
... that when you need some energy and inspiration, step outside. Touch the Earth with your feet, lift your face to the sun, breathe the air, listen to the birds and the wind through the trees. Glory in the creation that surrounds you.
... that you are a human being, not a human doing. Take time to just be, to breathe slowly, to feel your body that is the temple of your soul. No activities, no worries, no buzzing.
... that it is time to finally forgive yourself. You've carried the guilt, the shame for long enough. You've kept your wounds open for long enough. The time has come to let go, to heal. Keep the lessons and let the pain heal. Yes, you know what we are talking about it.
... that you are blessed. You may think you have challenges, but you have so many blessings. Sometimes it takes only a moment of conscious effort to recognize those blessings. Once you focus on the gifts instead of the problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere.
... that you are beautiful. Even when you feel ugly or depressed or guilty or ashamed, there is an inner spark in you which is light. This light is your beauty. This light is your reflection of God. You are a child of God, thus you are beautiful.
... that if you could see with the eyes of God, this world would be filled with goodness. Goodness is within you and every living being. Let your goodness shine.
... that the weight you carry on your shoulders is much too heavy for one human being. Give some of that weight where it belongs, - to God, and have faith that what happens is for the best, whether you understand it or not.
... that you cannot free yourself from a problem by shutting your eyes to it. To free yourself from a problem you have to acknowledge it and face it with your eyes and heart open.
... that faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty. Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!
... that sleep and rest are all part of the divine order. Don't make your waking life and responsibilities so important that you neglect the very real benefits of sleep, rest, and dreaming. The night is your time of restoration. It is essential. God made both day and night for a reason.
... that what you are most afraid of is where your greatest rewards are. If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.
... that although forgiveness is very hard, it is necessary. Holding onto anger and old hurts hardens your heart and hurts only you. Ask for help in letting go of the anger. Ask to see the situation through the eyes of compassion. Allow yourself to feel the lightness of forgiveness.
... that no matter how good you try to be to others, you will occasionally hurt them. Forgive yourself for it. The same will happen with them. Forgive them for it.
... that whatever fills your heart with gladness is a good thing. Let yourself be filled. There is much joy and beauty in the world if you only open yourself to it.
... that there is no need to obsess over a decision. God has more in store for us then we can ever predict, and what we fear are bad choices frequently turn out for the best, because our hidden aspirations know better where we are going than our rational minds.
... that you will feel better if you notice the sweetness of life. Notice the smiles of children, the songs of the birds, the caress of the sun's warmth. This sweetness is for you. Allow it to soothe your soul and bring a smile to your face.
... that you will feel better if you notice the sweetness of life. Notice the smiles of children, the songs of the birds, the caress of the sun's warmth. This sweetness is for you. Allow it to soothe your soul and bring a smile to your face.
... that the greatest happiness in life is knowing that you are loved for who you are, and sometimes in spite of who you are. Give this happiness to your family, to your friends, to your neighbors.
... that it's okay to ask for help. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the details and complexities of our lives. Sometimes we need some help to get untangled, to gain a new perspective. Ask for help. Help may come in human or divine form. It may be seen or unseen. Ask, and ye shall receive.
... that when the night feels very long, remember that a new day is just around the bend. With each new day we are given new hope, new possibilities, new opportunities. Each new day is a miracle.
... that you are not alone. God is always with you, seen or unseen, saint or sinner. Giving you air, supporting your footsteps, nourishing you with sunshine, God is here with you. The separateness you sometimes feel is an illusion, in truth you are never alone.
... that everyone mistakes the limits of their vision for the limits of the world. Have compassion for others when they cannot see what is obvious to you. Have compassion for yourself when you realize that you can see only a small part of God's vision for the world.
... that when an impossible must happen, put it on God's to-do list. Well, if you can't make it happen, and no one else can, there is only thing left to do, - finally look up and trust in God to make it right.
... that your remedy for anxiety is the question: 'Will this matter in a year from now?' All too often you get so involved in things that you look at life through a microscope. Amplifying manifold, an invisible speck becomes an insurmountable mountain. Put down the microscope and imagine yourself a year from now looking back at today: 'Does this really matter?'
... that when you feel down, look at yourself through God's eyes. There are times when no matter how hard you try, you just cannot accept yourself as you are. During such times, think of how you look to God's eyes. In God's eyes, there is no judgment, there is only acceptance. God sees your light when all that you can see are your shadows. God loves you more than anyone could ever love you as you really are.
... that today you can help a thousand people see God's light. Feel God's light shining within you and take a step to inspire someone else to shine. As you share this vision today with just one soul, that reaches ten lives that touch a thousand.
... that how bad things may look right now means nothing, - it's how good they can be with God's help that counts. In life you can absolutely count on one thing, - everything can turn around in one day, in one minute sometimes. Don't you dare to give up, - you might be a moment away from a windfall.
... that you can be an echo of your past, or the glory of your future. Past is connected to future through the present. At this very moment, at every moment, you are choosing to carry on the past with all its troubles on your shoulders, OR to let it go and see bright future pull your forward. Choose wisely.
... that if you desire something, offer something. Offerings can come in many forms: a gift, a prayer, a smile, flowers, food. Offer something from your heart.
... that God doesn't give you what you want, God gives you according to who you are. Change who you are to change your life.
... that you've been driving yourself too hard lately. Sure, there is time to invest yourself fully into work, but there is equally important time for joyful resting. And for you, this time is now. What is the absolutely most wonderful little treat you can give yourself? Do it today.
... that today is a whole day for you to do good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a whole day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; and in its place will be something that you had left behind... let it be something good.
... that it's time you cleansed yourself with laughter and with tears. Let tears take out all the agony that is hidden inside you, and let laughter ignite your contagious joy.
... that there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. Happiness does not come from seeking new landscapes, but from having new eyes on the same life you've always been living.
... that when you come to a wall, you can either climb it, or you can simply walk around until you find a door. Don't make life so hard, - look for the doors!
... that you only need to Ask. God is waiting for your Asking, waiting to reach out to you.
... that life is not a distraction from, life is an occasion for prayer. You don't need a special place or special time to pray. You don't need to be in a special mood to pray. Praying is like breathing, - continuous, essential, life-giving, - praying is the conversation with God you start with birth and continue into old age. Praying is your celebration of God, - everything you do, everything you think, everything you say is another word, another sentence of your prayer.
... that family is not a name for a group of people, but the quality of relationships between them. Relationships grounded in mutual love, trust, caring and forgiveness. In all the ups and all the downs of life. Look closely, - who is really your family, and who in truth are just strangers in for the ride?
... that it's time you stopped hiding from life, and said yes to the adventure of being alive. Enough of the routine already. Go on, have an adventure, - do what you always wanted deep within your heart. Do what brings you alive, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
... that it is the day of deep peace for you. Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the shining star to you.
... that it's okay to receive. Have you been the giver for so long that you have forgotten how to receive? Allow others to give you some of the love that you give so freely. Seek a balance between your giving and your receiving.
... that sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need. Try something new. Do something fun. Be adventurous. These breaks can bring renewed energy into your work and your life.
... that your kindness makes a difference. Even if it is a very tiny act of goodness and you think no one notices, God notices. Always remember that one little act of kindness can tilt the balance of an entire situation. One little act of kindness can ripple out in countless ways that you many never know about.
... that sometimes it may feel too hard to do it alone. Sometimes it may seem like you can't figure it out by yourself. Sometimes will and strength and courage are not enough. Sometimes in your life you will need to call out for help. Call on God. God will be there.
... that change is the very nature of life, - welcome it. No glass ever became sand again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened fruit ever became a flower. Welcome change, and choose what kind of glass you create, what kind of bread you bake, what kind of fruit you harvest.
... that your soul is always in communion with God. When you feel lost, or afraid, or sad, - feel into your soul to find the strength of Divine presence.
... that God is glad that you are You. Sure, we all have things we want to change, to improve about ourselves. But underneath the flesh and bone, you are an immortal and perfect soul. Always remember that.
... that you are unique and precious. When you try to value yourself for being the best in something, you are bound to fail. Even Olympic champions are the best only for a few years. You are precious to God not because there is no one better than you, but because you are a unique creation of mind, body and spirit, - there is no one like you, - and that is exactly what makes you so indescribably precious.
... that nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome is going to be. You keep wanting to know how things will play out, keep asking to see the future. God doesn't give anyone the power to know the future, because life becomes maddeningly boring when you know everything upfront. So, instead of struggling, enjoy the uncertainty - to be alive means to not know.
... that when you feel alone and your heart is troubled, talk to God. Let the presence of God come to you and envelope you and bring you peace.
... that you have to pass through a dark night of the soul. Everyone does, including you. A time comes when what you have always believed is true melts away underneath you. When you cast in doubt even the most obvious, the most simple. When it seems that dark night is all around, and you are all alone. Take heart, this journey through abyss is the final barrier before your emergence into the heavenly light of a new synthesis of your being. God is waiting for you on the other side.
... that silence is golden. When we are quiet, we can hear God's messages to us. Sometimes these messages may be in the form of subtle intuition. Sometimes it may feel like an inner knowing. Sometimes we may hear a 'still, small voice.' If it feels right in your heart, trust that it is God speaking to you.
... that gratitude is good. The more you are thankful for, the more you will have to be thankful for. God responds to a grateful heart with joy.
... that as you surrender to divine providence in your life, you will feel lifted and carried and held. All is well, all is well, all is well.
... that there is no such thing as a problem without a Divine gift hidden within it. You have these problems because you need the gifts they carry within.
... that you don't have to be serious to be spiritual. Laughter is good! Levity is good! When you allow yourself to be joyful, that joy radiates to all those around you. God honors you and your laughter.
... that there is a time and a season for everything. It may be a time of new beginnings, a time of growth, a time of reaping the harvest of hard work, or a time of rest. Trust this beautiful order. Everything in its time.
... that you are loved and you are not alone. Even when you feel physically alone, know that you are surrounded by divine love. Like God, love is not visible, but that does not mean it is not there. You are loved.
... that God sees you as you truly are, - a holy child of light: I see you strong and whole. I see you blessed and prospered. I see you courageous and confident. I see you capable and successful. I see you free from all limitations or bondage of any kind. I see you as the spiritually perfect being you truly are.
... that you are a child of God. Remain strong in your faith, no matter how many mistakes God's children make along the way of growing up, they are still destined for Grace and eternal Joy.
... that today is a big day for you. Yes, today. Keep your eyes open for a message. It might come in a shape of a bird flying overhead, or a graffiti on a wall, or a phrase said by a passerby, or... Whatever shape it has, this message has been trying to reach you for years, and today is finally the day. Keep your senses open.
... that every little part of you is magical. Yes, even the parts that hurt, even the ones that are feeling disease right now. It's alright to love what is in pain. More than alright, that's exactly where your love is needed the most. So why not touch that part that hurts and smile at it, at yourself through it, and whisper: ''I love you.''
... that this world was made for you too. Enjoy it, explore it, experience it. Don't hold back. It is God's gift to you. Don't be a wallflower in the dance of life.
... that it's OK. Just rest for a moment. It's OK. Yes, things are crazy, yes, the world is going nuts. Yet, deep underneath the stormy waves, there, in the core of your being, there is pure silence, pure love. And ... it's ... just ... OK.
... that your unspoken prayers will be answered. Yes, God knows you, God hears you, God loves you, God is there for you. You are blessed.
... that God is there for you to hold on. Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your faith, even if it's easier to let go. Hold on to God's hand.
... that true faith flowers from and through doubt. If you never questioned your beliefs, - you are just a puppet dancing to somebody's strings. If God had wanted your mindless obedience, you would've been created without mind and without free will. But you have both so you can come to God of your own accord. Just look at the lives of saints, - most of them had gone through a dark night of the soul, and that's why their faith was so strong. The path to true faith always goes through doubt. So ask those questions you've always been afraid to ask, and find the answers, and then your faith will become unshakable.
... that peace will come when you let the presence of God settle into your heart. If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.
... that you have so many gifts! - use them. God has given you so many gifts to sow love and to give hope, to shine light and to spread joy. Abundant gifts. Use them. Give to yourself and give to others. There is an endless spring where they come from.
... that when you are unsure how to proceed, stop. Be still and enter into the silence. Allow your mind to cease its restless thinking. Wait. Let the answer come in its time.
... that it's time you remembered who you really are. You are not your wallet, your job, your kids, your house. You are not your activities or your worries or the labels other people give you. Like an actor you play these roles, and like a good actor you sometimes forget who you really are. Time to wake up now, and remember that you are a being of immense power and breathtaking beauty created in the image of God.
... that every moment is an opportunity for you to be happy. You know how sometimes it seems that life is just throwing you one curved ball after another? Well, guess what, - you have a great way to respond! - you can use every opportunity, every single one, to be happy. Don't just take a shower - feel into and receive pleasure from the water on your skin. Don't just walk on the street - enjoy the fragrances of the trees and the flowers on your way. Don't just drive your car - sing karaoke to your favorite radio station.
... that you learn what you do. If you worry a lot, then day after day you are learning how to worry even better. If you think about doing something a lot, then you are learning how to think about doing. Every moment you are happy, you are learning how to be even happier. Every time you act, you are learning how to take an action even better. What is it that you've been learning today? What is it that you want to learn tomorrow?
... that God is crazy about you. God sends you fresh flowers every spring, a breathtaking sunrise every morning. If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it. If God has a refrigerator, your childhood scribbles would be on it.
... that the way you treat others is the way you treat yourself. True respect for another comes from self respect. True love for another comes from self love. True forgiveness for another comes from self forgiveness.
... that inevitable is best accepted with serenity. There are times when you absolutely see no solution. When you've thought and thought and prayed and prayed; when you've sat still in meditation listening for an answer and still no answer comes. There are times when it's okay to just surrender.
Who are You to shine brighter than others? Who are You to take a step forward when others are shrinking back? Who are You to make others feel insecure with your greatness? You are a child of God. Take a step forward, shine bright, - inspire others with your light to their own greatness.
Jakarta, 23 March 2011
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